WE FORGET NOT CUSTOMARY Back in 1748, a man whose name was something like Carlos Luis, but the people known as Montesquieu, wrote a panfletillo, nothing, four lines named misplaced De l'esprit des lois . That panfletillo silly Cultureta liked some of the time because I spoke to divide powers and new things so far, in fact I liked it because it also served the king, do not do what he pleased. I leave a cachejo of what the man said that.
"In every state there are three kinds of powers: legislative, executive things pertaining to international law and the executive of which belong to the civil. For the first, the prince or magistrate makes laws for a certain time or forever, correcting or repealing those that are made. For the second makes peace or war, sends or receives ambassadors, provides security and prevents invasions, and the third decides to punish the crimes or the disputes of individuals. The latter is called the judiciary, and the other just the executive branch of state (...). When the legislative and executive powers are united in a single person or corporation, then there is no freedom, because it is feared that the monarch or senate make tyrannical laws to execute the same way. This also happens when the judiciary is not separated from the legislative and executive. Being attached to the first rule of life and liberty of citizens would be arbitrary, as one same judge and the legislator and, being attached to the second, would be tyrannical, because the judge would enjoy the force that an aggressor. In the state in which one man or one corporation of heroes, or noble, or the people administered the three powers, and had the power to make laws, of executing the public resolutions and prosecute crimes and contests individuals, all would be lost entirely. "
seems that was not the gabacho it misguided. As also appears that there are subjects that are determined to tip the balance which is the system of separation of powers. As the title dle Post, we are not sure, señorez and señoríaz "